Is the first of the two programs that make up the RecycleKIDS Foundation. Since 2016, Second Chance has been providing social change to young adults who have been victims of negative circumstances particularly the opioid crisis.
We operate in Palm Beach and Tampa Bay in Florida.

We envision a world in which every young adult grows up knowledgeable, resilient, and healthy, regardless of socioeconomic limitations or mishaps, with a capacity to become a contributing factor to society. Second Chance provides a solid alternative platform for relaunch and growth within a collective support system, through which we relaunch young addicts by chance towards their chosen brighter future.
We give them a second chance.
Second Chance transforms the lives and re-cycles 15 year old kids to 30 years old young adults, constricted by induced addiction through a controlled environment and job opportunity, educational leadership, resilience, connection, and spiritual wellness.
Providing the kids with basic healthy clean living and employment conditions, thus reducing the circumstances that generate a path back to addiction, despair and eventually death.
Second Chance Project
is a program deeply rooted in the principles and belief that all people are entitled to Love, Connection, Dignity, Respect and Compassion, regardless of their history, background or abilities.
These principles, not only define our work with the young people we serve, but also dictate how we interact with all our stakeholders. This includes our companies, staff, board, regents, volunteers, community partners, donors and vendors so that all our actions and decision making at Second Chance are guided by these values.
These policies represent our individual and mutual commitments to the Second Chance and Recycle Kids Community.